Welcome to Fit Brain Dragon

Welcome to my Blog and to musings, wisdom (perhaps) and other stuff from my world of Mental Health and Dragon Boat Racing in Adelaide, South Australia.

Mental Health is but one aspect of overall health and shares this Blog (and my mind) with Dragon Boat Racing, an accessible fitness activity that I have chosen for myself. I am not alone in my conviction that you can not have health without having mental health. It is also true, though less often said, that you can't have mental health without having physical health.

This rather obvious relationship is surprisingly missed too often by too many. This Blog will feature my thoughts about mental health and about the value of Dragon Boat Racing in my life.

In my experience as a Mental Health Nurse and a Counsellor many people with chronic health problems such as Diabetes, Arthritis and Depression may find enormous advantage in linking themselves to medical and other supports as well as a team sport such as Dragon Boat Racing.

It has been demonstrated in Type 2 (late onset)Diabetes for example that a proper routine of diet and exercise is a more effective first line treatment than medications.

About Andy Kelly

My photo
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Skype: andykinoz

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Season 2010-2011

Ah...first meeting of the season. A new group filled with ideas, promise and willingness for the success of the new season.
Dinner and meeting at Gio's Portobellos at New Port. Excellent.
A fair exchange of shared views and of conflicting views. Committee work always has its challenges.
Priorities are clearly recruitment. We have lost so many paddlers for a number of reasons so we must replace them to remain viable.
Major focus also on fundraising and sponsorship. Hey universe...any ideas?
God Bless dragon boat racing. Our training season starts this weekend..beewdy!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mental health and dragonboat racing

The strange mix of these two interests in me and reflected in this site is a puzzle.
On one hand I see immediately how they may relate. Not necessarily dragon boat racing perhaps. But then why not? Dragonboat paddling or racing is simply a sport which increases fitness and engagement with the world. I guess jogging does that too. I'm not suggesting that dragon boat racing is the ONLY sport to enhance health (and therefore mental health) but because I love it, I think that its a great sport because;
  • it increases health and wellness through increasing fitness
  • it increases the feeling of fitness and wellness and capability in the world
  • it increases flexibility and muscle strength
  • it encourages focus on the NOW, on each element of each stroke right now as you are doing it
  • it puts paddlers and crew (except the Drummer facing forwards, looking at your goal
  • it teaches synchronicity, how to work in a cooperative way with others towards reaching a common goal
  • it encourages commitment to shared goals and encourages team focus
  • it exposes paddlers to fresh air, sunshine and the environment
  • it exposes paddlers to sunshine which contributes to Vit D synthesis
  • it helps the body clock and emotional clock reset itself and so helps with sleep and in fighteng depression
  • it requires mainly gross motor skills and so can be performed well by a person with tremor
  • it can be performed at a high level by a person with leg or foot injury
  • it facilitates interaction with other people hence increasing opportunities for personal feedback and improvement.
Maybe some other sports deliver the same possibilities. I'm sure that is likely. But I love dragonboat racing. Cold, warm, wet, dry .......I feel good when and after  I've been paddling.
I don't think mental health can actually be separated from anything, so integral is it to everything we do.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is the Goal the feeling or the outcome you've been seeking ...and are they the same thing.

A fellow dragon boat paddler wants to be a world champion paddler. A colleague wants to own a motorhome. Many of my colleagues are looking for new jobs.
The outcome it seems would be the world champion medals, the actual motorhome featured in the picture above her desk and the job that gives them everything that they want.
But is this the illusion of life?   Do we seek these things instead of seeking the feelings that we think we would feel if we possessed them. Do I want that new job or do I really seek the feeling of security and contentment that I believe the job and its salary would provide? Do I crave themotor home or the feeling of freedom that I think it would provide. If I could have that feeling without the vehicle would I still want it? What would i feel like if I were a world champion paddler. Deep inside me do I crave the medal or the feelings that I think I would have if I possessed them?
Sometimes (often) at the nd of a race, I have no memory of it. I hate that. Its like i've lost something that I would have valued.
If I paddle this stroke as I want to, as I am capable of , and am only concerned with this single as-ideal -as-possible stroke through this water in this weather with this body, surrounded by these people, I can experience and enjoy this moment and all the other moments that make up this race or training session.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What a depressing election. I'm sick of the sanctioned dishonesty

I watch some TV and I listen to some radio and despite my best efforts I get exposed to the crap served up by our media. I try really hard to turn off any politician.
I can't tell whom I blame most, stupid politicians or stupid journalists. Ah Ha...it just came to me. Journalists who report mealie mouthed valueless political spin despite the fact that they know that it is devoid of fact, commitment, value and honesty! I think I value them less than politicians.
When there is so much that could be said and done to engineer decent outcomes for Australians and the world, I find the current process insulting and nauseating.
AND.....when we listen to them I think we sanction them.
Give us action that produces the likelihood of more happy health Australians I say!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seeking sponsorship

Exploring in my head some strategies for attracting some sponsorship to a local sports team such as Powerblades Dragon Boat Racing Club (my club) and exploring the notions of relationship, value, promise etc held in sponsorship. Parellels with friendships a bit. They don't happen unless you 'expose' yourself (no raincoat jokes please)to others, discover a basis for a relationship and see some mutual benefit in friendship as well as a sense of a future together.
I guess in sponsorship though the commitment to limited giving is the key difference.
I'm very happy to hear ideas about attracting sponsorship.
I recall the fabulous Ralph Hood (UniSA) explaining a theory of relationship that was based around the notion that relationships only start and last when members experience mutual benefit (as determined by each person).
Recent instability in employment is occurring as organisation changes in response to changing market needs then the clarity about what relationships are wanted and valued is lost. Both parties (employer/employee)look at the other trying to work out the chances that they may mutually benefit from a continued relationship.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Staying in the Now (imperfection and all)

Many of us, myself included, become haunted by unwanted life patterns. No perfect parent = No perfect child= Imperfect adults.
Eckhardt Tolle and others seek to remind us of the value in decreasing our focus on the past (living on past laurels or lamenting losses, shame or guilt) or or on the future (feeling anxious, worried about what we may or may not be) and in doing so lose our opportunities for peace, happiness and effectiveness in this moment. Coaches (like Tolle) agree that a dragon boating challenge for me (and other like-minded paddlers) can be to keep the focus on the stroke I am currently doing, each stroke getting my full attention. The good or bad race start becomes meaningless if each subsequent stroke isn't the best I can do and in time with my crew.
